Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Manish Mahotra's Creation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
FAS 101: Fashion for Men.
The glorious University of Florida has plenty of courses that positively affect all of its students and their bright futures (no pun intended). We have JOU3101, ECO2023 and even AMH2010, but what UF really needs is FAS101… fashion for men.
As much as I love seeing basketball shorts on Kris Humphries, I shouldn’t really be seeing them anywhere else off the court. Sure, in middle school, it was acceptable, but now it’s time to light those babies aflame brighter than the Miami Heat’s symbol.
Studying and graduating from UF comes along with the responsibility of being a sophisticated and mature working professional. In the working world, interviews and business meetings are opportunities to look the part. Life is all about how you present yourself in appearance—so what are you waiting for? Drop the Adidas and pick up the khakis. Of course basketball shorts are fair game when it comes to workouts, but for midtown on a Monday, if I see so much as a Nike check, I just might freak.
The misconception that dressing well makes a man seem needy and feminine is just absurd. Just because the days of men wearing suits is over doesn’t mean we need to take the complete opposite route! A first impression is everything in the working world as well as the dating world. A put-together outfit connotes self-respect, thoughtfulness and confidence.
Think about it. All of the men that other men praise and glorify take pride in their appearance. Dwayne Wade, Jay-Z and David Beckham are all showstoppers. Although we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, in our present society, every experience can come at you in the blink of an eye. Society is fast-paced and competitive, so if you aren’t memorable for being put-together and well groomed, you might not reach your potential.
Dressing well is crucial, but it’s equally important to dress appropriately for each man’s personality. Plenty of styles work for different types of men. Let the skinny ties, plaid and button-downs flourish. An outfit is a representation of personality. If you look like a slob, you probably are a slob. If you look dapper, you probably are dapper.
Men that care about their wardrobe command positive attention. In this world, positive attention is just what we need. To get noticed, it’s important to make yourself appear presentable and grown-up. So gentlemen, shake those nylons and dust off your loafers…. you’ll thank me later!