Thursday, July 26, 2012


Chi-Lai Yuen presents her new collection of shoes at London College of Fashion.

A text about Fuerza Bruta

"Fuerza bruta means brute strength in Spanish, so in my mind, the main character was overcoming all the adversities in life symbolized by being physically worn out when really the problems were most likely within work/relationships/less tangible things, etc. Then when it came to having fun, he was equally as tortured internally but could enjoy himself so fiercely as most messed up people often do. At least that's what I got from it. Cool thing about avant garde art is that you can interpret it however you like."

"No idea what the all-girl faceplant pool party was all about."

Ha ha ha.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Black Sheep

Yesterday afternoon I had the privilege of meeting with the CEO of BBH Advertising Agency. Not only did I get a grand tour of the gorgeous, innovative, creative space that is BBH's New York office, but I also got to see some of their work and hear their story. It all started when BBH received its first job: Levi's black denim campaign in the 80s. Up until this point, all denim was blue jean. What a shocker, right? Now there's denim every color from coral to sea-foam green to sequined covered fabric. Regardless, BBH launched its ad for Levi's as a hundred white sheep facing left with a black sheep in the right-middle of the huddle facing right. The tag line was "When life zigs, zag."

The reason I write about this is because I feel as if I am one of the black sheep in my crowd. It's not to summarize BBH's back story or to prove my defiance, but it's simply to apply this mind set to making things happen for myself and other people like me. The black sheep isn't symbolizing a rebel or an outcast, it's simply about being different and thus, standing out.

This was my first blog post from Blogger's iPhone app. Perfect for me considering my mind never sleeps. Be the black sheep. Because that's the only sheep's face I remember.

Peculiar portraits

Courtesy of "FFFound!"

Monday, July 23, 2012

Mobile Disposables

There have been times (more than I'd like to admit to) when I am completely embarassed for my demographic. Early 20s, female, social-media fiends meeting at a college bar with many other nightowls all ready to have a good time. "Would you take a photo of us?" says a girl who perfectly fits my previous description. All the girls line up, hands on hips, backs arched, tummies in, smiling wide, flip the hair and widen the eyes. OK, cool. Who wouldn't want to look prepared for a photo that will no doubt infiltrate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and maybe even Tumblr before you've finished a single beer? Everyone wants to be portrayed as best as possible. That's not what bothers me. What bothers me is when girls live completely through an iPhone camera lens and a button that reads 'upload'. The past few times I've been out with friends and friends-of-friends, it's been a full-blown, posed photoshoot in the middle of the venue. Forced laughs at a sideways glance, choreographed dance poses which hardly appear natural and sloppy faces at temporary acquaintances were all that I could take away from this observation. It made me want to take a couple steps away and disassociate from the crowd. I wasn't five steps out of the circle before I heard a loud "pathetic, isn't it?" attempting to be heard over the thumping music. An older woman trying to enjoy the night appeared blinded by the multiple flashes going off by her side. "I think these kids are forgetting to enjoy where they are, instead, they want everyone on their Facebooks to see 'what a great time they're having'," she said with a roll of the eyes. I just blinked back and couldn't have agreed more. I'm the first one to encourage capturing a moment or snapping a candid shot, but candid shots aren't even candid shots anymore. The second that camera positions itself steady in the air, everyone's body language completely shifts. I can't say I'm innocent of never readjusting an outfit or calling to take the photo on my good side, but I'm aware to take a couple photos and put the camera away. I believe life is for living, not reviewing.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dolce and Gabbana

As per The Sartorialist's perfect photos and observations, I noticed how real and normal these male models look for Dolce & Gabbana's Men Spring/Summer 2013 Runway show. So much more effective than seeing the same perfect male model strutting down the catwalk. Don't you think?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Collars and Tops

Yes, those are parachutes.

Thank Me Later

I'm normally not one for socalled "feel good" status updates or blog posts, however this station is the perfect pick-me-up if you're having a rough morning or a never-ending afternoon. Ready? Here goes.

Elie Goulding Pandora Station

Happy listening.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

USA Shades

Jeremy Scott. Dope.

Such a Crying Shame

Oh what I would do to have a list of every foreign movie I could recommend. I couldn't count how many days my mom and I would watch triple features just because we could never get enough. Here are some of my all time favorites.


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