Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dare to... oh just dare.

This past summer, each time I exited my Lincoln Center apartment, something new would incite, ignite and inspire me to write, dress and dream. I like to think of this fall as a buffer for what's to come. I'll be in Europe in 105 days. Is that too far away to start a countdown? As I tirelessly stalk Tumblr, Pinterest and hundreds of blogs, I don't think I can last much longer without seeing something new and exciting every time I walk out the door. However, I must admit I'm being a little lazy. Where I am is full of new and exciting things. These things are just hiding a little better here than they are in New York or Spain. Maybe that's a test. If you can let the little things excite you that normally bore you, then I must say, 'you've got it.'

Homer is that you?

Well, I guess women's street style is now completely inspired by nintendo-playing, beanie wearing, skateboardin' little boys. *Cough cough, Cara Delevingne.*

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Sartorialist knows

So I might have stolen this little tid bit, but I must say, the grey suit and brown tie is a winner.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Empty Frames

Sometimes, life can seem like an empty frame. There's a beautiful surrounding, a stable stand ensuring it sits upright, a shiny glass cover, but there's nothing inside. This thought came to me when I saw one of the most beautiful frames sitting in a Gainesville apartment adorning nothing but a blank cardboard sheet. It erked me, for lack of a better word. I kept glancing back to the sad, lonely, empty frame as I tried to watch a movie with my friends. Of all things to be empty, why must something purely created to show something else off be so naked and vulnerable? As the old adage states, "money can't buy happiness." Truthfully and admittedly, I don't necessarily agree. However, I do believe someone can have "everything" without actually having anything. Even the luckiest people can have heads full of silent battles that eat them up inside. From the outside, they wear the prettiest, most expensive frame in the store. But there's no picture inside to be shown off. It's rendered useless. Its only purpose in life is unfulfilled. As I sat there, staring at that empty frame, I decided I would try to fill my frame. Try to fill yours.


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