Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Hey it's ME.

I promise I haven't gone anywhere. Studying abroad has been the most magical, colorful, life changing experience I've had in my life thus far, however, I regret neglecting this blog for a bit. I have been so busy focusing on documenting my international experiences, studying and traveling that something had to give. This post is proof that I haven't stopped dreaming, thinking and observing. Except for now, all my thoughts are scribbled in my on-the-go notepad. I decided not to get an international phone (or phone plan) so I can only communicate when hooked up to Wi-Fi. I must say it's been a bit of a blessing as much as it has been a struggle. It might be the only time in my life that I can forget about technology and focus on me and my surroundings. Once I'm back in the States, it's beast mode.

At home, I'm mostly involved in uncomplicated endeavors and complicated thoughts...

But this time, both are equally as intricate. I vow to rekindle the love, re-light the flame and ignite some romance back with my posts. Wait for me!

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