I've been reading the Dance section of the New York Times since sophomore year of high school. But then one day, I stopped. Not sure why, but there's really no excuse to ever stop reading the New York Times, let alone about a topic you love. So I'm back at it. Gia Kourlas does a great job of analyzing what makes dance dance. Here are a few of my favorite quotes from the article, but it's definitely worth a read. I couldn't agree more with Kourlas' take on contemporary dance and the definition of dance in general.
"There will always be choreographers who care about steps, music and classical forms. But for many experimental artists, the word “dance” alone can’t begin to hold it all in. So what are we talking about when we talk about dance these days?"
"At times it seems as if the dance world is in a period of reconstruction, both shaky and ripe with opportunity".
"Avoid a theme, create a moment"
think about it.
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