Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Same Vs. Changed

I was tossing and turning in my uncomfortable, lofted, temporary bed when I glanced up to see my roommate sliding her finger across the illuminated screen of her smart phone. The light harshly blared onto her face and caused my eyes to burn and squint at the sight. Immediately I buried my head sideways back into my pillow. Technology. Ugh. But then I thought, my bed looks the same as it would 80 years ago. Someone like my great grandfather would FLIP if he saw my roommate playing with a rectangular ball of light, but he'd recognize my sheets. Why is it that some things have advanced so much, yet other things so little. A man from a couple hundred years ago would run away from my SUV thinking it was an alien assassin, but he'd be willing to help me learn how to play the guitar. The progress of some things' advancement is so far ahead of others. Isn't this the same in fashion, PR, dance, music? We've all had to wear clothes, communicate and express ourselves. Interesting how some things are so primal and some are so modern. I wonder what we'll recognize in a couple hundred years.

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