Tuesday, August 10, 2010

'The Night'

I've always watched all of Tucker's videos, but have never attempted his choreo. Why? Because they're so damn hard to mimic. It's only Tucker and 2 other female dancers (one of which is a SYTYCD favorite, Kayla, and happens to be his girlfriend). That immediately intrigued me. See previous post named "Take it with a grain of salt". I watched 100+ times and finally just got it without even breaking it down. It looks tough but it's really so easy to learn. Thoughts? Me likes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Intricate, much?

Mmm... jazz.

"My Same" - Adele
pure bliss

Take it with a grain of salt

Advice is a funny thing. Normally, I take it with a grain of salt. But sometimes, it just sticks.

In the dance world, analogies are thrown around dozens of times in one class. "Teachers" are always trying to get you to understand their thought process by comparing feelings and organic inspirations to common, mundane things. One of the best pieces of advice I've ever received is one that applies to female Hip Hop dancers. It was to always dance like a girl and never pretend to dance like a guy. Simple, it seems, but hardcore hip hop can always be positioned into a man's genre. Adjusting choreo and keeping it girly is harder than it may seem. Who knows? Maybe this won't stick with you, but for me, I'll never again try to imitate Usher ;)

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