Wednesday, January 28, 2015

My Eyes Are Binge Eating

I often find myself trolling the Internet for inspiration, a cyber muse or some visually intriguing and stimulating platform to draw me in and never let me go. In a reoccurring trend of highlighting digital juggernauts of various crafts, I bring you a man's work that is truly a feast for the eyes.

I first stumbled upon a video he created detailing the contents of his travel bags. That led me to his Tumblr, which led me to his website, then to his Facebook, launched me to his Twitter, on to his Instagram, even to his LinkedIn, and so on and so forth. Sheesh. Before I introduce this photographer, it's interesting to note that artists must maintain so many different platforms in unifying their brand message to reach as many eyeballs and thumbpads as humanly possible.

Similarly, I find that it's a chore for many to keep up with their own social media. I personally enjoy maintaining a multitude of social accounts, but to others, the task is a nuisance. By 2015, I understand the mentality of already wanting to simultaneously chuck everything with a power button. Much like the life of a battery, it's draining to check-in on seven different platforms a day, so we need to recharge. Is it pathetic that we feel exhausted and wiped out after scrolling through a never-ending list of Instagrams? You don't even have to leave bed to do so. What does that mean for the loads and loads and loads of information out there? The content is rapidly advancing and becoming better quality, but we're getting tired of consuming mass quantities of it. I find ways to recharge in a challenging hike, in a good conversation, in a unique glass of Cab Sauv.

This artist recharges while he drains. He's working his ass off, but submersing himself in experiences most don't even come close to touching in a lifetime. If every social media account looked like Chris's, our eyes would want to binge eat every time we opened an app. Chris Burkard, based in Central Coast California, is a self-taught photographer and artist, whose work is layered by surf, outdoor, lifestyle and travel subjects. His clean and crystal clear depictions of nature make you want to pack a bag, book a flight and just go. If only we could all be so lucky.

Of course I'm a fan of cross-platform stalking so, naturally, I now follow Chris on every layer of the digital space and you should too. What I'd give to see what he's seen...

Thursday, January 15, 2015

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The American Dream, Revisited

Sitting crouched in a ball waving two hands back and forth in front of my crown molding may sound like a night of too much Maker's Mark and too little 2 Bros $1 pizza, but it's really just my first experience with winter. 

I could never remember what it was called until I got a phone call that it burst. My first big girl New York City apartment was ruined.

A radiator. It's called a fu&%*ng radiator.

It's an odd feeling to walk into your cold, soaking wet room covered in unidentified liquids which resemble black soot mixed with God knows what. My precious designer fuzzy slippers which I received on the tenth night of Hanukkah in 2008 just laying there apathetic and black similarly to my landlord's soul. Yes, I know there are only eight nights of Hanukkah, however my family is unconventional and totally rad so we celebrate whenever. Sometimes in June. I digress.

What would now keep my feet warm from New York's harmful polar destruction that is January in the Northeast? This is where the 'odd' rather than 'sad' feeling comes in. True, I'll miss those slippers and I wish my white West Elm drapes weren't now the slight hue of urine-poop. (Is that the new Crayola color I hear? Contact my agent.) But alas, I can now replace those slippers for no other reason than they're ruined! Light bulb. I could cry as I threw away half of my room, or I could think of it as a reinvention of my space. My half-assed decorated room now had a brilliant excuse to receive a makeover.

This is how I choose to look at my first go with winter. I have to cover all of my outfits with the same warm coat every day. I only wear one pair of shoes for fear that I'll step in snow and ruin my latest purchase. I can't get a quick pedicure. And I consistently have little to no feeling in the ear lobe region. But as I sit on the floor wondering why my radiator isn't emitting heat, I'm going to choose positivity. I believe that this is the new American Dream. No, not living in crappy buildings with intermittently functioning heat, but remaining positive, ceasing complaints and working hard until something unexpected and wonderful comes along... like new designer slippers.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Trumaker is Truly Making It

Trumaker has one of those websites you stumble upon and wonder where the men who created this company are and why don't I drink with them on Saturday nights? Sigh. Well, you can refer elsewhere for advice on picking up males, however you can stick around to hear about this up-and-coming service. I digress.In a similar fashion to a young, nameless KITH, I like to highlight brands before they become a household name.

Made-to-fit is exactly what it sounds like. This impeccably styled shirt was customized, made to fit or built to fit your exact body type. No longer are the too short of sleeves or too loose of collars. This brand lives to send you a better way to shop. Sign me up.

You make an appointment, an Outfitter comes to you and in 30 minutes, you're done.
Wait, what just happened? How did you get in my living room? Woahhh...

A fashionable style-savvy consultant works with you to customize your perfect shirt.

You interrupt your half-asleep teeth brushing sesh to buzz the delivery guy up and suddenly your weekend is made. So long dreaded mall trips, hello perfect hand-delivered outfit for Friday night.

Click here to learn more.


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